Mo Therapy

Types of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is very common and can result in significant loss of function and affect day-to-day activities.

With that, it’s important to understand the different types of shoulder pains in order to effectively target pain points and improve mobility in your shoulder. Common types of shoulder pain that people experience are shoulder instability, rotator cuff tendinitis, and frozen shoulder.

In this blog, we’ll talk about the different types of shoulder pain that people most commonly experience.

Shoulder Instability

The shoulder consists of a ball and socket, the humeral head being the “ball” and the glenoid being the “socket”. Shoulder instability refers to the ball and socket of the shoulder separating from each other. It can either be a partial separation, where it can last for a few seconds, or a more serious condition that may cause the ball and socket to get stuck in the dislocated position. When shoulder instability occurs, it can also cause more damage to the shoulder such as tears.

Symptoms and Causes

Shoulder instability can occur when an accident such as a fall or collision happens. Here are some symptoms of shoulder instability;

  • Feeling or hearing a “pop” in the shoulder
  • Significant pain and feeling that the shoulder is stuck in a certain position
  • An inability to move the shoulder
  • Weakness or difficulty lifting the arm overhead


Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator cuff tendinitis refers to the pain and swelling of the cuff tendons and/or surrounding bursa (a soft sac that contains a small amount of fluid between the joints). Rotator cuff tendinitis usually occurs over a long period of time after repeated stress and strain on the rotator cuff.

Symptoms and Causes

Rotator cuff tendinitis happens often in people with loose joints, or people who lift heavy or do repetitive lifting above the shoulder level. Here are some symptoms;

  • Pain and swelling in the shoulder area
  • Pain triggered by lifting your arm above the shoulder level
  • Limited motion, or weakness of the arm
Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a shoulder condition that is characterized by stiffness and a reduced range of motion in the shoulder joint. It typically progresses through stages and can last from several months to a few years. 

There are usually three stages of frozen shoulder: 1) Freezing Stage, the most painful stage where you will most likely experience a reduced range of motion in your shoulder, 2) Frozen Stage, where the stiffness in your shoulder becomes more prominent with with limitations in your range of motion and movement, and 3) Thawing Stage, where you gradually regain shoulder motion and the pain is reduced.

Symptoms and Causes

There are many causes such as inactivity of movement, often due to injury or surgery, or medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and thyroid disorders. Here are some symptoms of frozen shoulder;

  • Restricted motion and stiffness in the shoulder
  • Pain in the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm


Read more on Frozen Shoulder.

In conclusion,

Shoulder pain can often feel debilitating and can affect your every day activities. It’s important to know and understand the different types of shoulder pain, along with the help of your healthcare provider, to create an effective treatment plan that best suits you and your needs.

Here at M.O., we believe your health and wellness come first. 
Your M.O. is your hustle. Do it pain free.
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